Saturday 25 September 2010

Star Awards

While trying to load Kai and Alana back into the car, on Friday afternoon after school, the little girl from next door yells hi to us from the playground.  She told me that Kai had won a star award.  I thought it was just something she and her friends were playing, but on investigation in his reading folder I found a certificate.

It said

Star Award
presented to
Kai Haines
fantastic manners and following school rules

On investigation (probing Kai is quite hard work). I found out he'd been given this in class assembly, in front of the whole school.  They seem to do this every Friday in Assembly.  Wow how proud do I feel.  Well I feel proud and then I fell cheated because he's so good at school he wins awards yet home the rules are there to be ignored.

For a treat to celebrate we went ten pin bowling.  Kai has been a few times now but Alana had never been but she enjoyed it, and Kai was thrilled because he got a strike.  All I can say about my performance is say that I'm very glad that we had the bumpers up.  Considering Mark had been bowling with his friend in Worcester the evening before I ended up only being about 10 points behind him in the end.

What clever, well mannered(?) children I've got.


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