Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Mother and Son keyboard lessons from a book.

We got Kai a little keyboard a couple of years ago, he liked playing the demo songs especially Jingle Bells which was set to be the first one for some reason obviously someone wanting to punish parents all year round.
The other morning he brought it in and actually tried playing a song on it. 
Now I'm sad to admit but I don't actually read music or know how to play anything other that a few notes of the Eastenders theme tune on it, so went on Amazon and managed to get a Usborne beginners Piano book. 
I expected being a childrens book to find very simple instructions and just a simple few songs. 

We had a few spare mins while Alana napped at the weekend and Kai was so keen to play something, So together we read through a lot of information, we marked out the keyboard with the notes, and I tried to explain about crotchets and quavers.  The book even tried explaining about 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time but that went over my head a bit.

However at the end of our first session we both had played "Mary had a little lamb", which seems to have satisfied Kai's interest for now, but now I need to make the time, to read on a bit and learn for me, probably won't help my singing much but at least might be able to practice at home a bit.

Alana then got up from her nap where Kai and I had been playing with one finger, she comes along and was playing what sounded like chords.  She then moved the keyboard and was dancing round the room with it, so I thought you might like to see them in action.


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