Wednesday 19 August 2009

Dressing up.

In the spirit of not trying to be to Stereo-typical with my children (OK so I was dying to get Alana her first dolly/baby) Kai has recently talked a lot about wanting to be a princess to wear the big dress. At first I just giggled with him. But the conversation has cropped up a few times now, so decided to go along with it as much as possible. The other day he heard the story Goldilocks and then we decided to act it out. which went down really well.

We repeated the process with him, being Goldilocks, and the narrator and he loved it. Amazing what a bit of material and a headband can achieve. However while browsing through eBay I found someone selling lots of dressing up dresses for 1-3yr olds, which I thought Alana might like at some point for trick or treating etc.
Well today they arrived, Alana being only 13months old, was more interested in exploring the lounge, now she has discovered how to crawl forwards. Kai however wanted to try on the ring, bangle hair clip and wand, to start with...
Then the skirt that looked like Peppa Pigs tutu was put on. Finally he wanted to try on one of the dresses to. He just looks so cute as a fairy couldn't really say no. Some people might think is this a sign of things to come cross-dressing, or homosexuality when he's bigger, but I believe that if I told him it was wrong or bad for him to dress up in dresses this might cause more problems than actually let him try things out. To be honest with a Dad who loves musicals and has seen Starlightexpress about 20+ times and a Mum who has been on stage, loves going to the theatre, and who helps with a local youth theatre group. I have a feeling the Goldilocks won't be Kai's last


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