Saturday, 14 August 2010

Buying the first school Uniform.

Well with the move to Stafford on the cards, we have been trying to get Kai a place in a school ready for September, the problem of course is it's now August and the schools are closed for the summer.  I've spoken to the county council in Stafford and they've got him into Tillington Manor.  Having searched on the Web For the school, I'm still none the wiser. 
Because of the move we wanted to get some uniform sorted before hand and Mark had to go find a uniform shop in Stafford just to find out what they wear.  Ok so now we know the jumper has a logo for the school and it's Navy Blue. 
So off I went to Tesco's and bought some plain white polo shirts, and grey trousers (which we were also informed make up the uniform).  Ok as my Mum say's he does look rather like he's wearing his big brothers clothes, but he is only just 4 and  he only has his little legs. 

Whatever I think he looks quite smart, and he was really proud about getting his uniform and lunch box.  Still need to get the jumper, pe kit, reading bag and shoes, but at least we've made a start and he'll have something to wear on his first day.
Oh and of course Alana HAD to get a look in too.

The Blog is resurrected

Well if all goes well we should be ready to complete the sale of our house and move to Stafford in under 2 weeks.  This is a big deal not only because it's now 14months since we put the house on the market, and nearly 9months since Mark moved into the Dr's accommodation at the hospital in Stafford during the week.   But it's the end of our Worcester experience, (Mark and I are gradually making our way back up the country)  I was brought up in Hampshire, moved to London and then Surrey, then over to Worcester, now heading North (of Birmingham, lol)  to Stafford.

Mark knows his way round quite well now, but  the test will come when we get up there and he has to find all new places likes schools, classes, activities etc.  I see me developing a very close relationship with "Sexy Shaun" my SatNav.

I feel, we've been living in a kind of limbo for the last year, with everything on hold, waiting for this move to happen, and now it's almost here I know I'll be gutted about leaving our friends behind.  So I thought I'd try and give my non-work blog a another go, in an attempt at being able to share our new life with you all.  Feel free to leave comments, and I hope you enjoy.