Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Dressing up.

In the spirit of not trying to be to Stereo-typical with my children (OK so I was dying to get Alana her first dolly/baby) Kai has recently talked a lot about wanting to be a princess to wear the big dress. At first I just giggled with him. But the conversation has cropped up a few times now, so decided to go along with it as much as possible. The other day he heard the story Goldilocks and then we decided to act it out. which went down really well.

We repeated the process with him, being Goldilocks, and the narrator and he loved it. Amazing what a bit of material and a headband can achieve. However while browsing through eBay I found someone selling lots of dressing up dresses for 1-3yr olds, which I thought Alana might like at some point for trick or treating etc.
Well today they arrived, Alana being only 13months old, was more interested in exploring the lounge, now she has discovered how to crawl forwards. Kai however wanted to try on the ring, bangle hair clip and wand, to start with...
Then the skirt that looked like Peppa Pigs tutu was put on. Finally he wanted to try on one of the dresses to. He just looks so cute as a fairy couldn't really say no. Some people might think is this a sign of things to come cross-dressing, or homosexuality when he's bigger, but I believe that if I told him it was wrong or bad for him to dress up in dresses this might cause more problems than actually let him try things out. To be honest with a Dad who loves musicals and has seen Starlightexpress about 20+ times and a Mum who has been on stage, loves going to the theatre, and who helps with a local youth theatre group. I have a feeling the Goldilocks won't be Kai's last

Sunday, 16 August 2009

First climbing accident.

Today we were all set to go out for the day. Daddy asked Kai to get his socks, which had been left in our room. He went upstairs and next thing there is repeated loud bangs and screaming from Kai. We both ran upstairs and we found Kai with the chest of drawers falling on the back of his leg. Daddy grabbed the chest of drawers but I had to squeeze past them and stand it all back upright. Kai understandably was very upset but was surprisingly easy to calm. He was guarding his leg and not standing on it. We went downstairs and he sat on the sofa with his Daddy. I rang Grandma and she carried out a remote scanning of his leg identifying the area where the largest bruising on his leg came out. We both gave him some healing. He was happy to just sit, so we thought we'd give him the benefit and see how he went.
As far as we can tell he pulled out the bottom drawer to stand on to reach his socks in the top drawer. He is normally so good getting his chair to reach higher, he just thought this way might be quicker, I guess. Well he won't be doing it again for a long while as you can imagine.
After lunch he was walking on it, (all be it with his heal raised), but he was still guarding it. In the evening we went out for Chinese and he walked flat footed back to the car while he was distracted with lollipop and his own reflection in the window, he would only start limping again in between windows .

Alana ever the lady was happy to go with the flow showing off her pretty dress, we even managed 10secs or so with the hat on.

Alana has had her 4 central teeth for so long it looked like that was all she was getting. Well at the moment she has at least three more if not five, which have all broken through the gum together in the last week.
What an eventful yet quiet day, wonder what tomorrow will bring.